• Young Adult Program


    YAP is...
    A continuum of transition services for young adults in Kalamazoo county. YAP provides special education programming for students who are excited about life after school. Instruction is connected to skills that REALLY MATTER for young adults:
    • Self-advocacy
    • Safety
    • Social skills
    • Communication
    • Adult living skills
    • Job skills
    • Transportation planning and use
    YAP serves...
    Young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 who have completed their high school years. Our young adults are eligible for special education services and need opportunities to learn and build life skills through continued special education programming.
    YAP believes...
    That every young adult deserves meaningful opportunities to build a life in which they will thrive. YAP believes that all young adults should have access to build skills in the environments in which they will spend time after school ends:
    • YAP Continuum of ServicesWorkplaces
    • Stores
    • Restaurants
    • Parks
    • Public transportation
    • Community resources
    YAP connects...
    • Young adults and their families with community agencies that can continue to support the life they hope to build when they leave school
    • Young adults with each other to build friendships and connections that will last after school ends
    • Young adults with YAP staff that will empower students to learn, grow and thrive


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    Transition Resources
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