• WoodsEdge Header

    WoodsEdge Learning Center is a special education center-based school that provides service to all nine districts within Kalamazoo County. Students who attend WoodsEdge Learning Center are between the ages of 5 and 18 years of age.

  • Mission

    We are an innovative school dedicated to developing independence in our students.


    A community without barriers.
  • Mission in Action

    1.  WE are committed to making sure that every student has a way to communicate.

    2.  WE allow students TIME to do things independently.

    3.  WE ask:  What am I doing for my students that they could do for themselves.

    4.  We use state-of-the-art technology to foster independence. 

    5.  WE implement evidence-based practices.

    6.  WE use a team approach.

    7.  WE recognize each student as a unique individual with unique strengths and needs.

    8.  WE focus on three core skills: Communication, Safety, Independence