• Juvenile Home Schools

    Juvenile Home School photoThe Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home School is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan and provides services to youth in Kalamazoo and surrounding counties. JHS has two components for adjudicated youth. The Youth Center School (YCS) serves youth detained in the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home. The Intensive Learning Center (ILC) serves youth placed in the school through court order, but who remain living at home or in foster placement. Both programs are administered by the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (Kalamazoo RESA), Family Court, Juvenile Home, Day Treatment, and local school districts.
    Our Vision
    The Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home School will be a national leader and model of educational programming for students in the juvenile justice system.

    Our Mission
    To provide interim educational services to adjudicated youth, supporting both academic and social/ emotional growth, while restoring students to their families and communities. 

    Core Skills Focus
    Social and Emotional Learning: focusing on the process through which young people acquire and apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain relationships, and make responsible decisions.  

    Academic Growth and Achievement: focusing on meeting students where they are at, building foundations and closing skill gaps so that students can access the Common Core state standards, developing greater proficiency in numeracy, literacy, and 21st century skills.

    Connections to Community: focusing on developing and cultivating positive community partnerships and interactions where students can gain job skills, experience service-learning, and communicate effectively to be college/career and community ready.