Giving options

  • Your gift offers the Foundation the greatest flexibility to respond to changing needs of students and staff. With your donation, the earned income on assets helps provide grants, scholarships and special programs to Kalamazoo County learners and educators.

    Donate Online

    You can support the Foundation in just a few clicks! It's fast, convenient, and safe to make a one-time donation or set up an automatic monthly giving plan. Plus, you can track your giving in one spot and print a receipt for taxes any time.
  • If you’re interested in donating over $1,000 or would like to discuss establishing a named scholarship with the Foundation, please contact Mason Everett.


    Kalamazoo RESA Staff Donations

    If you’re a member of the KRESA team and would like to make a one-time or recurring donation, simply complete this donation form and submit to the Business Office. We’ve provided a number of ways to help make supporting the Foundation easy.