• Kalamazoo RESA District SchoolsMap of local school districts

    The Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency is committed to providing a wide variety of quality, educational support services and programs across Kalamazoo County and around the state. These programs bring unique educational opportunities such as Career & Technical Education, Education for the Arts and Head Start to our local communities. Our programs provide job training for students and adults, professional learning, special education, bus driver safety training, technology services and support, administrative services, leadership training, professional printing services and more in a cooperative and cost-effective manner.

    Kalamazoo RESA is one of 57 intermediate school districts in the state of Michigan.

    Our number one goal is service.

    Area District School Links

    Area schools online: If you know of a school online that isn't listed here, please submit the link to Kalamazoo RESA webmaster