• Kalamazoo RESA Leadership Institute
    The goal of the Kalamazoo RESA Leadership Institute is to deliver life-long learning in leadership with a foundation based on the following standards:

    Primary Standards KLI Seminar
    Interstate Leadership Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC)

    Imbedded Standards
    The National Staff Development Council's Standards for Staff Development
    The National School Board Association's code of Ethics for School Board Members
    Technology Standards for School Administrators (TSSA)

    Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)
    This plan is developed using the ISLLC Standards Self-Assessment for Leadership Development and the Individual Leadership Practices Inventory. Mentors are assigned to each Fellow to assist with their ILDP.

    Western Michigan University Partnership
    In partnership with Western Michigan University KLI offers WMU Graduate Credit. The cost for tuition is the responsibility of the KLI Fellow.

    Michigan State Board of Education Continuing
    Education Units
    SB-CEU's are available for all KLI programs.
    Contact John Haas for more information
Last Modified on June 19, 2006