Below please find a brief list of developmental milestones. If you feel your child is not meeting these benchmarks, please contact staff at the PrePrimary Evaluation Team.
3 Months
- lift head and chest when lying on stomach
- show vigorous body movement
- show improved head control
- recognize breast or bottle
- coo, gurgle, chuckles, babble
- cry differently for different needs
- repeat the same sounds a lot
- turn toward the speaker
- smile when spoken to
- recognize caregivers voice
- startle or cry at noises
- awaken at loud sounds
- listen to speech
6 Months
- sit with help
- roll from back to stomach
- support weight, bounce
- hold one toy and reach for another
- babble more than two sounds
- babble sounds like parent speech but not clear
- respond to name
- respond to “no”
- turn toward sound
12 Months
- pull self to stand
- step with support
- pick things up with thumb and one finger (pincer grasp)
- put one toy in another
- give toy on request
- give affection
- imitate actions in play (claps when you clap)
- use simple gestures (wave “bye bye”)
- follow simple directions with a gesture
- turn or look up when you call
- enjoy imitating sounds
- use voice to get attention
- use jargon that sounds like real speech
- say “mama” and “dada”
- say two to three words
18 Months
- engage in pretend play (pretend to talk on the phone)
- point to interesting objects
- look at an object you direct his/her attention to
- use several single words unprompted
- say 8-10 words
- put two words together (“go bye-bye”)
24 Months
- kick a large ball
- turn over container to dump contents
- turn pages of a book
- point to object or picture named
- imitate housework
- become more interested in other children
- ask for items by name
- follow simple instructions
- follow two requests (“Get the ball and put it on the table.”)
- have 10-15 words
- ask 1-2 word questions (“Where kitty?”)
36 Months
- complete a 3 to 4 piece puzzle
- play make-believe with dolls, animals, and people
- imitate adults and playmates
- understand differences in meaning (“go-stop”)
- notice sounds such as dog barking, doorbell ringing
- use 4 to 6 word sentences
- use 200-300 words
- use pronouns (I, you, me, we they)
- use some plurals (cars, dogs, cats)
48 Months
- pretend to be “mom” or “dad”
- cooperate with other children
- understand conversation
- hear when you call from another room
- speak clearly and in 5 to 6 word sentences
- follow three step commands
- ask “why” and “what” questions
- say most sounds except r, s, th, and l
60 Months
- count ten or more objects
- say own name
- say own address
- understand the difference between fantasy and reality
- attempt to please and be like friends
- say all sounds correctly except "s" and "th"
- use same sentence structure as other family members
Milestones adapted from information provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, American Speech and Hearing Foundation, and Early On® Michigan.