• Early/Middle College


    The Early/Middle College (EMC) in Kalamazoo County gives students an opportunity to earn an associate’s degree or certificate along with their high school diploma. Students will be able to save both time and money as they pursue a college degree and they will have an additional year of high school (13th grade) to complete their college program at Kalamazoo Valley Community College.

    The EMC is structured so that students gradually increase their exposure to college courses over a five-year span. Initially, (9th grade) all of the students’ schedules will be comprised of traditional high school classes. As students’ progress through their educational plan, they will be exposed to more college courses. By the time they reach the 13th grade, all of their coursework will likely be on-site at the college campus. Students in the EMC program will receive support services to assist them in their transition from high school to college. 
    EMC expands on dual enrollment, and builds upon classes already offered through Education for Employment (EFE) and Education for the Arts (EFA).  Students take courses at KVCC campuses, but may also take KVCC courses on their high school campus (in certain school districts), or through EFE and EFA.
    Students who consider the EMC must be willing, motivated, and up for the challenge to perform successfully at the college level. In addition to the college coursework, students must successfully complete all of the requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum. 


    Programs are available in the following areas:

    Transfer Degrees
    Associate Degrees
    Certificates of Achievement
    Interested students should contact their high school counselor for specific details. More information can be found at www.kvcc.edu/earlycollege.