• Employability Skills Assistance

    Our career coaching staff help young people enhance their soft skills and prepare them for success in the workplace. From resume development, interview preparation, and social media professionalism, mastering these skills provide youth the opportunity to take one more step on their career pathway.

    Career Pathway Planning - This is our specialty! We can help youth determine short and long-term career plans and map out the attainable steps that will help them get there. Not sure what you want to do? No problem! Career Coaches can administer several different career assessments. You might discover something new! 

    Resume Development - Put pen to paper and think about your personal brand. Career Coaches cover everything you need to know to land the interview.

    Interview Skills - A good interview should feel comfortable and conversational. Practicing with the Career Coach team, helps young people feel ready to impress on the big day, whether it's virtual or in-person