Work-Based Learning

  • Work-Based Learning is an opportunity for students to gain on-the-job experience and career skills in a mutually beneficial employer partnership. Through work experience at job sites across the county, students will increase awareness across the broad spectrum of careers and develop critical teamwork skills to help them succeed in the world of work. 

    Work-Based Learning experiences include job shadows, mock interviews, internships (paid and unpaid), industry & talent tours, and so much more!

    Click here to apply for WBL!



    Why should students participate in Work-Based Learning?

    •    Explore career options and narrow down career choices
    •    Build a stronger network
    •    Learn to prioritize time
    •    Helps make the transition from student to professional easier
    •    Increases marketability after graduation

    What are the benefits of participating in Work-Based Learning?

    •    Students may receive elective credit towards graduation
    •    Opportunity to get paid or unpaid work experience
    •    Potential for full-time summer work or permanent employment after graduation
    •    Students witness firsthand the connection between their school and workplace experience
    •    Better understanding of a career, which allows for better decision-making for a student’s future career goal(s)

    Program Requirements

    •    Reach out to a Work Based Coordinator below for more information and specific requirements  
    •    School counselors are also a resource for more information

    "This work-based learning experience gave me the practical skills to pursue a career as a CNC Operator." - Michael, Portage Central High School

    For more information
    Scott Wills, Work-Based Learning Coordinator
    (269) 250-9307 |
    For more information on Work-Based Learning 
    Service Area: Comstock High School, Climax-Scotts High School, Galesburg-Augusta High School, Gull Lake High School, Parchment High School, Schoolcraft High School, Vicksburg High School
    Lori Pelton, Work-Based Learning Coordinator
    (269) 443-7521 |
    For more information on  Work-Based Learning
    Service Area: Kalamazoo Public Schools, Portage Public Schools