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Student Entrepreneurs Set Up Shop for 'Lemonade Day' Project

This summer, Kalamazoo RESA Career and Technical Education (CTE) is coordinating the “Lemonade Day” program for Kalamazoo Public Schools' Summer Readiness and Galesburg Augusta and Parchment Active Academy. Students will be setting up their own lemonade stands and selling their products to the community. Lemonade Day prepares kids become the business leaders, social advocates, community volunteers and forward-thinking citizens of tomorrow! Learn more about the program at 

Lemonade Day
Support young entrepreneurs:

July 28 – Northeastern Elementary School (4th grade), 2433 Gertrude St, Kalamazoo 
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 

July 29 – Parkwood-Upjohn Elementary School (4th grade), 2321 S Park St, Kalamazoo 
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 

August 2 – Woodward School for Technology and Research (4th grade), 606 Stuart Ave. Kalamazoo 
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 

August 3 –  Milwood Elementary School (4th grade), 3400 Lovers Ln, Kalamazoo  
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM