- Career Pathway Planning Programming
- Sierra Spooner
Sierra Spooner
Sierra enrolled into YOU’s WIOA program as a high school graduate and mother with an aspiration to work in the medical field, specifically a medical assistant. Through a partnership with Grace Heath, YOU connected Sierra to a paid medical assistant training program.
The groundwork
Before connecting with the desired employer, YOU staff took the time to learn about Sierra and her story. Through this connection, they were able to prepare Sierra for some anticipated barriers that could inhibit her from completing the program. This included secondary childcare and support obtaining proper uniforms, equipment and tools.
The next step was to ensure she was prepared to navigate the application and interview process. Staff worked with Sierra to adjust her resume to a functional resume reflecting her customer service experience and talent for working with people, especially children. After passing her phone interview with Grace, staff coached her, so she was prepared for an in-person interview, covering suggested techniques, dress and practice questions.
To no surprise of anyone, she passed all three interviews and was accepted into the training program!
The program
There was a need for additional scrubs and proper footwear, which YOU provided. Behind the scenes, YOU checked in with their contact at Grace Health to find out how she was doing, and they gushed over her performance.
“She has done so well in such a short time we bumped her up to a trainer of new staff,” Tara Hillman-Macleod said. “She is being looked at for a possible position in pediatrics."
Six months later, Sierra completed the course, took her state exam for her license and achieved her dream of being a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant. She received a job offer from Grace Health after completing her training.
You are capable of making your dream a reality! Learn more about WIOA or send us a message to start the process today!